Thursday, July 19, 2012

Africa - July 9

I got a great night of sleep and am so thankful for that! We had an open morning so we went to to local play area and brought the volleyball equipment again. The children at this "playground" are so sweet and energetic! Was hard to say goodbye at the end of the day!
After a couple of hours and about 5 pounds of sweat from running around...we were able to perform the play about the the lost sheep. The little kids were so excited to wear these sock puppets and partake in the play.
Our team met a little boy today who had a worm or parasite in his stomach which made him bloat up. Parasites eat all the nutrients that he consumes. We all offered to give money to get medication to cure him. Sweetest little boy with the biggest smile! Situations like these truly make you grateful for the education and advancements of medication that we have in the states.
During the afternoon we were able to go back to Daniels church where we met with the female members. Our team performed a skit about Jesus's love and how he has forgiven us for all of our sins. I was asked to read my testimony and profession of faith that I read when I got baptized to the women and felt so blessed to be able to do so. The evening was open, so for the first time we busted out the card games and played some old maid! Every night we have PMS groups (prayer/mentoring/serving) that we meet with and tonight was my last night with Niki & Kristina. These 2 young ladies have been great and so excepting of me. They both go to church together in Kentucky and were great friends prior to this trip. I am very thankful for their kind words and wisdom for me.

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